Explaining Your Cremation Service Choice

Posted on June 10, 2019 by Roslyn Heights Funeral Home under cremation
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Many families have traditions and while some of those revolve around what to do over the holidays, some are deeper and even include final services. If your family has always done traditional things revolving around final services, you might feel strange when you pre-plan your own funeral and choose cremation services in Roslyn, NY. No matter what type of services you choose, it’s important to tell your family about those choices so they are shocked and surprised when your time comes. Letting them know will help them come to terms with what’s going to happen in advance so you don’t have to worry about how they will react. If you need to tell your family about your plans for cremation, here are some things to try.

cremation services in Roslyn, NY

Explain Your Reasons

Cremation is popular today and there are many different reasons people utilize it. If you tell your family that’s what you want, it can help them come to terms with the idea if they know why. Perhaps you don’t want to spend a lot of money on your services or you don’t have the money to spend. Maybe you want something simple or perhaps you want them to be able to scatter your ashes in a special location instead of burying you in a cemetery. Whatever your reasons are, telling your family what’s behind the decision can help you get their approval and understanding.

Tell Them About Cremation Acceptance

If your family has never had a cremation service before, they may think it’s strange. But when you tell them that about 50% of the final services held today are actually cremation services, they will open their eyes to the options. Cremation is more popular today and more widely accepted as well. Most major religions accept it and some even encourage the option. Tell them about people you know who have had cremation services and how nice they were. The more they understand them, the more accepting they will be to them.

Remind Them Of Your Wants

The final services you have planned are for your family members to get closure and to say a final goodbye, but they revolve around you as well. You deserve to get what you want and remind your family members that cremation is what you really want. If they know what you want and that you are set on that fact, it will be easier for them to follow through with your wishes knowing you have made them clear.

If you are ready to plan your cremation services in Roslyn, NY, contact Roslyn Heights Funeral Home by calling (516) 621-4545 to make plans. You can get through the plans first with us and then talk to your family or approach them first and then come to us, whatever works best for you. We’re located at 75 Mineola Ave Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 and we can also help you with advice on talking to your family. We understand there are a variety of different families out there and we can give you some ideas on approaching the subject to make things as easy on everyone as possible.