Making A Cremation Service Photo Album

Posted on September 23, 2019 by Roslyn Heights Funeral Home under cremation
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There are many things you can do to honor someone you know who has passed on. Many families are going with cremation services in Roslyn, NY today because these services are less expensive and allow the families more options for service styles. If a loved one has passed on, even if you don’t find yourself in the position to arrange the services, you might want to help in some way or another. Whether anyone asks you to or not, arranging a cremation service photo album is one way you could always help contribute. If there’s a memory table, you can add it. Or you can pass it around or just have it for yourself. Here are a few tips in creating a cremation service photo album.

cremation services in Roslyn, NY

Choose A Variety Of Pictures

It’s nice to remember your loved one in as many ways as possible. You don’t want to just put class photos or just pictures from Christmas celebrations in the album. Go through the pictures you and others have and try to choose photos that highlight many aspects of their life. Perhaps they loved to travel, so you can add pictures from different trips. Maybe they loved to bake, so you can add pictures of them in aprons holding different baked goods, and so on.

Include Close Family

You may not have pictures of everyone that will attend the cremation service, but if you can find pictures of your loved one with close family members, that’s nice to include as well. These are the people who loved your family member the most and were the biggest part of their lives. You could even put some blank pages at the end of the book and tell guests you’re happy to add pictures to it if they’d like to supply them. Everyone understands that no one individual is going to have all the pictures that could be used for this.

Add Special Sayings

While pictures can say a lot, you can also add words to the album, if you choose. You could add quotes about your loved one, sayings they enjoyed, Bible verses, pieces of poems, or even captions that describe the pictures and include the date and who’s in them. Not everyone will know every detail from every picture so it’s nice to have a description so everyone is on the same page when they are looking at the book.

These are a few ideas for pulling together a memory book of some kind for the cremation services in Roslyn, NY. You can make the book to share or you can make it for yourself and enjoy it on holidays and birthdays, if you choose. The professionals at Roslyn Heights Funeral Home are here to help you with advice on what people usually include, if you need that to get going. Or, if you are ready for the service arrangement portion of the process, you can call us for that as well at (516) 621-4545. We’re located at Mineola Ave Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 and we’re here to help.