What You Should Know About The “Death Positive Movement”

Posted on September 20, 2021 by Roslyn Heights Funeral Home under funeral home
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Funeral homes Manhasset, NY

Unfortunately, when people hear the term “death positivity” they tend to mistake it for a cult that idealizes death, or that at the very least, glorifies it. Nothing could be more false. Death positivity aims to increase understanding of death through education about what each of us is to face at the end of life. It is an emerging philosophy that reframes the way people view death. It was born as a result of the many taboos that surround the topic of death. When somebody you love dies there is little to no energy to manage all the arrangements to honor their departure or talk about it. Funeral homes Manhasset, NY help you by educating you as much as you want or feel that you need, on the topic of death.

Here is what the death positive movement is and is not.

When people hear “death positive,” they often mistake it for some kind of glorification of death. While the death positivity movement seeks to increase acceptance of the inevitable end to life, the idea that it romanticizes death shows a complete misunderstanding of it all. In fact, death positivity is about making the most of life and allowing those who die, to do so with greater dignity and comfort. We cannot live authentically without embracing death.

But the truth is most of us do not want to think about these issues. Dealing with loss is hard enough. There is really no right way to do things, there is just tradition and experience based on repeating the same process over and over again. Viewing death as an inevitable end to life is practical. Through the exploration of death-related topics, death positive people hope to conquer fear and improve the human condition.

Funeral homes Manhasset, NY

We cannot live indefinitely in a culturally and psychologically induced state of denial. The fact is that death is all around us, above us, below us, and inside us. The soonest we accept that, the better. To be prepared for it enables us to live wisely and die without regrets. Thus, to summarize all that the death positivity movement is and is not: this movement is about encouraging people to decide how they would like their remains to be handled. It includes a tendency to be more honest about how we celebrate the life our loved ones got to live and accept that their time to leave this earth, just arrived; it’s a practical way to reduce the harm that results from the awkwardness surrounding the discussion of death. It gravitates towards dressing the dead up for their funeral homes Manhasset, NY how he or she would have dressed while still alive. Death remains the biggest threat as well as the greatest challenge to humanity. It is the single universal event that affects all of us. That’s why talking about it is so essential. Acknowledging that death is a natural part of life, and doing our best to change the culture and conversation surrounding the topic, does not have to be morbid. Death affects us all.

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