Fun and Creative Ideas for a Funeral Service

Posted on January 3, 2022 by Roslyn Heights Funeral Home under funeral home
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funeral homes in Albertson, NY

Traditional funeral services are known for their formality and structured arrangement. But no law says it has to be so. You can personalize a funeral service to reflect the life of the deceased. From memory tables to memorial stone stations, here are some personalized ideas you can pitch to Albertson, NY, funeral homes.

  1. Memory Tables: many people incorporate these in funeral services already. But you can take it further by creating multiple memory tables that represent different chapters of their lives or passions.
  2. Wear their colors: Ditch the dark suits and dresses. Wear the colors and styles of their favorite sports team, organization, or hobby. You will blanket the funeral service in an attire that truly represents the deceased.
  3. Grow a Memory Tree: An idea that works for a funeral and memorial service. Go beyond the standard eulogy and have guests write down their favorite memory of the dead. Then have them decorate a tree with the notes.
  4. Memory Capsule: Similar idea to the tree, but instead of a note, it is anything meaningful to the family members and friends. It could be a concert ticket, photographs, memory notes, cards, etc. Put them all in an airtight container branded with the departed’s name.
  5. Live music: Instead of or after the traditional church music, consider setting up an open mic session. Have guests play some of the deceased’s favorite songs. You could even categorize them according to the different chapters of their life.
  6. Coffin signing: Exactly what the name suggests. Get a white coffin or one with a legible color. Cardboard caskets also work for this purpose. Then have everyone use a Sharpie or something similar to sign and write notes on the coffin.
  7. Create a Memory Hunt: Instead of a somber service that happens in one physical space, create a memory hunt similar to an egg hunt. Write dozens of facts about the deceased and hide them around. Some of these can also be clues that lead to others. This will create a livelier atmosphere and make people recount memories and shared experiences of the departed.
  8. Costume Party: Did they like costumes? Big fans of Halloween or morbid jokes? Have everyone wear a costume at the funeral. You could make it strictly dead celebrity costume or allow freestyles, as long as the deceased would enjoy it.
  9. Charity Auction: Figuring out what to do with the possessions of the departed is always a challenge. A creative way around this is to auction off some of them to your guests. The money raised is then donated to the deceased’s favorite charity.
  10. Act out a play: Know that story or moment that summarises who they were? Create a staged play based on it. Have family members and close friends as actors. Make sure to record it as part of the tribute video.

Albertson, NY, funeral homes

That’s just ten fun, creative ideas that could spice up a funeral service. There are plenty more, and the only limit is your imagination.

When you figure out an arrangement they will love, reach out to Roslyn Heights Funeral Home. We are a funeral home in Albertson, NY, with decades of experience creating unique and personalized funerals. Visit our location today or call us to get started.

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