A Short Guide to Scattering Ashes: What You Need to Know

Posted on November 7, 2022 by Roslyn Heights Funeral Home under cremation
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After a cremation service in Albertson, NY, scattering ashes is a beautiful way to honor the memory of a loved one who has died. It’s an intimate and personal way to acknowledge that person’s final transition into another form of existence.  

There are many traditions and methods for scattering ashes, which can feel overwhelming when choosing how and where to scatter them after the death of a loved one. This guide will walk you through the options and how to make this process easier for you. 

Where Can You Scatter Ashes? 

Scattering ashes can be done almost anywhere, including at the beach, in a park, or a loved one’s favorite garden. You can also scatter ashes at special locations, including the gravesite of a loved one, a place of worship, or a special place that is important to you and your loved one.  

You can scatter ashes in any water, whether a river, lake, or ocean. There are even services that scatter cremated remains for you in space. 

Ultimately, your imagination and pocket are the only limits on where you can scatter ashes. Also, permission, especially if it’s private land. But those are easy to get as long as you politely ask. 

How to Scatter Ashes 

There’s no defined singular way to scatter ashes. Like most cremation-relation rituals, the exact arrangement is up to you. But ash scattering planning often involves two sides: the scattering method and the accompanying ceremony. 

A way of scattering ashes is by casting them into the wind. You simply empty the urn at a specific location. Other methods include spreading them inside a beach and letting the tide wash them away. Another option is to divide the ashes among family members to scatter them where they want. 

Any of these methods can be paired with a ceremony. It can be a scattering ceremony designed for the ritual or as part of a celebration of life or memorial service. The choice is yours. 

Benefits of Scattering Ashes 

There are different ways to handle cremated remains. What scattering has above others is it captures an important part of grief. It’s letting go of your loved one, which makes scattering a cathartic experience. 

Another reason, though not unique to scattering, is it’s very personal and can be done anywhere. Without limitations, you can say goodbye in a powerful, emotional way that reflects the deceased’s life. 

cremation service Albertson, NY

Downsides of Scattering Ashes 

Ash scattering is a permanent, irreversible memorial. Once the cremated remains are out of the urn or container, they are gone forever. You can’t collect the ashes if you change your mind about what to do with the remains. 

Another downside is that, unlike a burial, you can’t know where your loved one’s ashes are—only the spot where you scattered them. 

None of these should stop you from scattering if that’s what you want. Instead, you should think deeply about the choice before you carry it out. 

Alternatively, you can save some of the ashes if you have other ideas. You don’t have to scatter the ashes at once. 

We’re here for you if you have additional questions about scattering and how to handle your loved one’s remains. And if you want an Albertson, NY cremation service to help arrange a scattering ceremony or celebration of life, call us. Our funeral directors are here to assist. 

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