Tips for Planning a Post-Cremation Memorial Service

Posted on December 27, 2021 by Roslyn Heights Funeral Home under cremation
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cremation services in Manhasset, NY

As more and more Americans opt for cremation over traditional burials, many people are looking to take advantage of the flexibility and savings. One of those ways is a post-cremation memorial service. While there are no rules, following these tips from cremation services in Manhasset, NY, will help you plan a successful ceremony.

Consider who will speak

It is normal to want and expect clergy to speak at a memorial service, but you may wish for others to talk to. That is fine.

Ensure they are people who knew and cared deeply about the person and might have something unique to share.

Even if you want anyone to speak at the memorial, you should still delegate a set of speakers as a backup option.

Play different types of music

When choosing the music to set the mood for the post-cremation memorial service, somber music might seem like the default and only option to comfort mourners. It is not.

It is much better to curate a playlist based on the interests of the deceased. You could also create one based on songs that reflect their personality, character, and interests. That means you can have people sing or play instruments at the service.

The urn can be anywhere

There is a lot of flexibility with post-cremation memorial services, so don’t feel the need to place the urn front and center like a casket. You can choose to place it anywhere you want and design it however you please.

You can create an altar display with mementos and pictures from different parts of their life or keep it locked away. It is your call.

Have an Order of Service

A memorial service might be more casual than a traditional funeral, but it still carries emotional stress. Make the event easier on everyone by printing an order of service. That way, everyone knows what they are doing and when.

It will also reduce the burden on the person in charge of making sure everyone, including speakers and musicians, is ready for their portion of the ceremony.

Use videos and slideshows

Videos or slideshows are effective ways to relive the life of the deceased. It is emotional and can be a valuable replacement for a eulogy if there is no time for one or no one wants to do it.

You can also share these videos online for those who are unable to attend the service.

cremation services in Manhasset, NY

Create a list of who to invite

You don’t have to invite everyone. It is okay for a memorial service to be an intimate affair involving the inner circle of the deceased. If you want a more public event, that is also fine.

If you are going for a private memorial, create a list of the people you want to invite with their names, addresses, and contact information. Use this list to send them exclusive invites along with other instructions.

For a public service, consider posting the information online or in newspaper obituaries.

Planning a post-cremation memorial service is highly rewarding and cathartic, but it is not easy. You don’t have to do it alone. Reach out to a Manhasset, NY cremation service like us, Roslyn Heights Funeral. Our experts are ready to help you plan a respectful and memorable service.

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